
Setting Snail (Tie In/Back Post)

Posted on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 6:15pm by Captain Charlotte Rhodes

122 words; about a 1 minute read

Captain's Log: Stardate 36154.7,

The Defiant is wrapping up a biological review of the planetoid Vilas II. A cold little rock with a rather unfriendly boron heavy atmosphere. Not exactly somewhere I'd recommend for vacation. It's own inhabitants feel quite differently however. It has quite a unique biosphere, with a wide range of mollusk like creatures inhabiting the coastal regions and a positively thriving oceanic biome. Vilas II might be a few billion years away from joining the galactic community, but it still appears to have a lot of information to share with us about how different life can look.

It's always nice to have these quiet missions. However, if I know the Traverse, I doubt that the calm is going to last.



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