
Business As Usual

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 8:49am by Captain Charlotte Rhodes

219 words; about a 1 minute read

Captain's Log, Stardate 2266.023,

Defiant has been on patrol for about 3 days now. In that time, things have been quiet. Exceedingly so. Defiant's presence in the region seems to have scared off the majority of pirate activity. Can't say I blame them. If I were flying a ramshackle raiding ship, I wouldn't want to tussle with a state-of-the-art Heavy Cruiser either. Starfleet's plan with our deployment seems to have been well founded.

The refugee ships continue to be puzzling though. Every few weeks, another wave seems to appear from the depths of the Carina Nebula, though from exactly where, we have yet to determine. The most we've been able to glean from our brief encounters with them is that there is a 'passage' of some sort that they are going through. Whether that is a naturally clearer path through the nebula or something more extraordinary remains to be seen, though I am inclined to thing the latter. But what exactly could it be? A wormhole? Subspace conduit of some sort?

I've requested permission to take Defiant into the nebula, but Starfleet is reluctant to send us in with no back up. Perhaps once Arcadia gets its footing.

For now, we'll content ourselves with stabilizing the region. Or more presently, at studying a passing comet. The science team seems quite excited.



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