Episode 1S: Shore Leave

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The USS Defiant returns to Starbase Arcadia following the events at Eta Halix II and finds the Sector is beginning to change.

Mission Group Season 1
Start Date Thu May 4th, 2023 @ 9:53pm

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Title Timeline Location
Bad dreams
by Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
New Gunslinger...
by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Mur'trah Gator
USS Defiant, Security Office
In a Family Way
by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Nugo
Deck 7 Sickbay 1
Not Quite Expected
by Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II
Immediately following the Wedding Starbase Arcadia, Luxury Accommodations
Exchange Officers
by Lieutenant Siatan Grator Taxftu' & Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Mur'trah Gator
USS Defiant, Captain's Ready Room
To The Beach We Go! (Backpost)
by Lieutenant JG Verelan & Lieutenant Savar
Backpost Private beach, planet side
In the Swim
by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Savar
Current Ship Pool
Backup Plans
by Lieutenant JG Bobbi Katz & Lieutenant Michaela Holland
Following 'Lifting Spirits' Engineering, USS Defiant
Wedding Bells, Part Two
by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Subat & Lieutenant Nugo & Ensign Veronica Rios & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II & Lieutenant William Henderson & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware & Lieutenant JG Verelan & Petty Officer 2nd Class T'Raya & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Rear Admiral Sergei Denovitz
Following Wedding Bells, Part One Starbase Arcadia, The Mall, Giovanni's Restaurant
Lifting Spirits
by Lieutenant Michaela Holland & Captain Charlotte Rhodes
During Shore Leave Bridge
Greeting Wolff.
by Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
Dinner with the CO
by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff
During Shore Leave Captain's Quarter's, USS Defiant
Aruilaen Arrival
by Lieutenant Commander Mur'trah Gator & Lieutenant Siatan Grator Taxftu'
Current Arcadia - shuttle Bay and family quarters
Settling In...
by Lieutenant William Henderson
MD 1 / 2034 hours USS Defiant, Henderson's Quarters.
Meeting the New Spock er Spook
by Lieutenant William Henderson & Lieutenant Savar
Shortly after Arriving Intel Office
Sharing a Table
by Lieutenant Subat & Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II & Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci.
During Shore Leave Officers Mess, USS Defiant
Far, Far Away (Finding the Passage, Part 3)
by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant William Henderson & Lieutenant Savar
Following "Conflict at the Border" Diplomatic Suites, Starbase Arcadia
Wedding Bells
by Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Doctor Samantha Knight, DSci. & Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Callie Knight
TBD Starbase Arcadia, The Mall, Chapel
Initial Checkup...
by Lieutenant Nugo & Lieutenant William Henderson
MD 1 / 1300 hours USS Defiant, Sickbay
Time Together
by Lieutenant JG Verelan & Lieutenant Savar
After Meeting the New Spock er Spook Station/Planet's surface
High Tech Smoke and Mirrors
by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Callie Knight & Lieutenant Savar & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
During Shore Leave Recreational District, Starbase Arcadia
Whale Watching
by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
During Shore Leave Lana'i III, Starfleet Installation
A New Chief of Spooks...
by Lieutenant William Henderson & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff
MD 1 / 1234 hours USS Defiant, CIO's office
New Spook Arrives...
by Lieutenant William Henderson & Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight
MD 1 / 1005 hours USS Defiant, Docked at Starbase Arcadia
Conflict on the Border (Finding the Passage, Part 2)
by Captain Charlotte Rhodes & Lieutenant Commander Kenna Wolff & Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight & Lieutenant Savar
Part 2 of "Some People in Need" Bridge, USS Defiant

Mission Summary