Deck Listing

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Deck 1

Captain's Ready Room

Deck 2

Briefing Room
Kelvin Pod Access
Primary Communications Array Access

Deck 3

Impulse Engine Room
Saucer Auxiliary Power Control
Phaser Array Access
Circulation Lobby Level 7 (Top)

Deck 4

Captain's Quarters
Senior Officer's Quarters
Circulation Lobby Level 6

Deck 5

Senior Officers Quarters
Crew Quarters
Mess Hall
Circulation Lobby Level 5

Deck 6

Crew Quarters
Transporter Room
Science Office
Circulation Lobby Level 4

Deck 7

Sickbay Emergency Transporter
Hydroponics Bay
Science and Engineering Labs
Diplomatic Offices
Officer's Lounge
Circulation Lobby Level 3

Deck 8

Crew Quarters
Phaser Array Access
Science and Engineering Labs
Circulation Lobby Level 2

Deck 9

Armory and Security Offices
Phaser Range
Central Intelligence Office
Circulation Lobby Floor

Deck 10

Inertial Dampening System Control
Modular Bays
Environmental Control Hub

Deck 11

EPS Relays

Deck 12

Primary Sensor Array Access
Photon Torpedo Storage

Deck 13

Primary Sensor Array
Photon Torpedo Room
Torpedo Tubes
Docking Ports

Deck 14

Main Engineering - Upper Level
Modular Bays

Deck 15

Main Engineering-Mid Level
Dilithium Reactor Room
Engineering Office

Deck 16

Main Engineering - Lower Level
Cargo Bays
Cargo Transporter Room
Shield Control Room
Tractor Control

Deck 17

Cargo Bays
Science And Engineering Labs
Modular Bays

Deck 18

Shuttlebay - Upper Level
Helm Offices
Shuttlebay Control Room
Cargo Bays

Deck 19

Shuttlebay - Main Floor
Cargo Bays
Deflector Control
Modular Bays

Deck 20

Shuttlecraft Maintenance
Cargo Bays
Deflector Access

Deck 21

Tractor Beam Emitter
Main Cargo Bay
Modular Bays

Deck 22

Storage Bays

Deck 23

Secondary Hull Main Battery Room

Deck 24

Cargo Bays

Deck 25

Cargo Bays