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Tue Apr 25th, 2023 @ 12:47am

Lieutenant JG Teh'dri Caix

Name Teh'dri Caix

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill-Vulcan
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Teal
Physical Description Teh’dri is a lean but athletic woman with deep brown hair, nearly teal colored eyes and Trill markings running from her temples to her feet. Her standout feature is her angular Vulcan inhertied ears. Her hair is often kept long, tied in a ponytail when on duty. She keeps highlights in her hair the exact shade of her eyes most of the time.


Father Sheris (Deceased)
Mother Belra Caix (Deceased)
Other Family The Naev Symbiont (Damaged)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Like her heritage, Teh’dri is a complicated individual. A half-Trill/half-Vulcan, her personality is a bit of a hybrid. Partially trained in the tenants of Surakian Logic, Teh'dri can follow the traditional form of Vulcan cognitive processes. However, her half Trill biology meant that her emotions were simply outside the bounds of emotional control. Instead, she has something of a wry, cutting wit and a spunky, energetic personality. Many have been surprised to here her speak like a Vulcan when discussing practical matters and the immediate crack a joke in the same flat affect. And doubly surprised when the mask of emotional control breaks to reveal the underlying feelings beneath. Her upbeat personality does not escape the emotional extremes that Vulcans sometimes experience though, and she struggles at times to stay contained.
Her mixed biology means that many of the traits of her parent’s races are present but diluted. She possesses some of the physical strength of Vulcans, though not quite as much as a true Vulcan. Her telepathic abilities are also substantially more limited, capable of a mindmeld only with substantial effort, often left quite drained by the task.
Though she (and Starfleet) have gone to great lengths to conceal it, Teh’dri is in fact a Joined Trill…of sorts. The joining with the Naev Symbiont had been performed under emergency conditions with no alternatives. And the end result was tragic. Though joined, Naev suffered cognitive damage before the joining and subsequently suffered biological rejection from her Vulcan half. The outcome was utter silence. Teh’dri has never been in communication with Naev, receiving little beyond bits of situational memory and impersonal general knowledge from the many eras Naev lived through, often arriving in disorienting bursts. The botched Joining is a heavy secret Teh’dri carries with some shame, knowing that it could mean a permanent mark on Trill if it comes to light.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Logical mind capable of thinking through some of the most complex calculations
+ Highly skilled in a wide array of scientific techniques
+ Skilled Combatant, assisted by near-Vulcan strength
+ Competent Pilot and reasonable juryrigger

- Lacks Emotional Control at times, a testament to her mixed biology
- Can be extremely stubborn when her ideology is pushed
- Can be a bit insular. While outwardly social, she struggles to make deeper connections.
- Struggles to maintain objectivity when dealing with the Orion Syndicate
Ambitions Teh'dri has few career motivations other than to be given an assignment that will allow her to study the stars. Her entire life has been shaped into the uniform, and her primary loyalty is to Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Reviewing Astronomical Surveys, Listening to Music from other cultures, games of strategy, melee combat (recreational), archery, recreational sailing

Personal History Teh'dri Caix was born a contradiction. Half-Vulcan/Half-Trill, the young Caix entered the galaxy on the small frontier world of Nembiris III. A small Federation colony in the previous century, it soon became a frontier land, cut off from any and all support when the Tholian Assembly annexed the space between Nembiris and the rest of Federation Territory. Remarkably, the colony was established enough that they managed to fend for themselves. And for a time Nembiris III was peaceful, if lonely.

Teh'dri was raised by parents whose parents longed to return to the Federation and passed it down as a story. But her parents own lack of faith was evident in their retellings. It was more myth than mantra. Her family tried to raise her to respect both Vulcan and Trill cultures. She grew up practicing the tenants of Surak's logic without committing to purging emotion.

For most of her childhood, her upbringing was simple. She studied the sciences and tended to their towns handful of craft, learning the basics of keeping them spaceworthy. Warp drive was generally out of reach without a fresh supply of dilithium, but impulse range was open to them, allowing for some resource collection. They had sporatic contact with neighboring systems when some supply ships ran jobs back and forth, but Teh'dri never got to leave Nembiris.

Her life was turned on its head in the fall of 2254, when a large craft suddenly appeared in their skies. The larg angular craft was unlike anything she'd ever seen and very unlike the rounded craft of the Starfleet handbooks she'd read in her spare time. Mere moments later, the settlement had dissolved into chaos. It seems that someone in town had made a deal with an organization known as the Orion Syndicate, a deal which they had failed to keep up with. As such, the Syndicate, which had ignored their peaceful backwater world, now turned their attention to it. Masked mercenaries flooded into the town and weapons fire soon filled the air. On that day, the young Caix lost everything. Her grandparents Federation memorabilia apparently angered their Orion captors. It earned her parents a death sentence. As the village was razed, Teh'dri herself was taken aboard an Orion vessel to be sent to a forced labor camp.

Her life was turned on its head a second time about 6 hours later. The Orion vessel she had been forced onto was suddenly ripped from warp and began shaking violently. The USS Newton, a Starfleet Starship assigned to the fringes of Tholian space along the Federation's expanded borders, had picked up on the attack and responded as quickly as it was able. The crew of the Newton boarded the ship, and in her trauma addled mind, appeared to Teh'dri as if figures out of legend.

It took 8 long weeks of counseling sessions to pull her out of the cloud of those events, but when Teh'dri emerged back into the world, she had a singular purpose. She was joining Starfleet. Captain Mathis, the man in charge of the Newton, soon saw that there was little chance of her changing her mind, but informed her they were a month or more away from returning to established Federation space. Teh'dri, not about to be dissuaded, pushed the issue.

In late fall of 2254, 9 weeks after the destruction of the Nembiris III colony, Teh'dri Caix put on the Starfleet Delta for the first time, serving as an Acting Cadet until the Newton could return to port. Her duties largely focused on learning basic shipboard operations, supporting various departments, and catching up on half a century of galactic history she'd never had access to.

When the Newton pulled into Deep Space F2 4 months later, Teh'dri's she shipped out for Starfleet Academy with half a year of credits under her belt and noteworthy practical experience. She soon focused on the Sciences, with some supplemental course work as was required.

At the time of her graduation, tragedy struck once again. The appearance of the futuristic Romulan vessel Narada resulted in the destruction of the Vulcan and the loss of nearly the entire Earth fleet, including the USS Newton. The tragedy would permanently ingrain a hatred toward the Romulan Empire in her and would once again rob her of a piece of her past.

Her first assignment out of the Academy was aboard the USS Magellan. Aboard this vessel, she served as junior science officer, giving her a chance to use the experiences she'd gained aboard the Newton. On an extended diplomatic mission, she got to meet one of the first Trills that wasn't her mother, Gendra Naev. The diplomat was seasoned, but had a brighter outlook than many. His optimism rubbed off on Caix in a positive way. So it came as an even greater shock when Gendra was betrayed by the opposing negotiators and was fatally wounded. The dying man requested Caix serve as the new host for the Naev Symbiont, but Teh'dri raised the objection that her half-Vulcan biology would likely pose a substantial issue. The fact that she had gone through none of the joining preparation process meant that she was also unqualified as far as the government of Trill would be concerned.

There were no other viable hosts aboard the Magellan, ultimately forcing her hand. Not wanting to ignore the wishes of her dying mentor figure nor wanting to condemn one of the only Trill Symbionts in Starfleet to death, Teh'dri reluctantly agreed. However, when the young woman awoke from the procedure, she was met by deafening silence. The Symbiont, apparently having sustained some cognitive damage prior to the joining, had been weak and frail before being introduced to her system. Her Vulcan biology had then nearly rejected the entity causing unknown additional damage.

The Naev Symbiont, which Caix had assumed would become an integral part of her existence, was silent. The two never made a mental connection. And while Teh'dri would receive flashes of past knowledge over the coming years, the personality had been fully stripped from these pieces of information.

Starfleet, knowing the loss of a Trill Symbiont alone would cause an incident, went to great lengths to hide that a joining had been attempted but failed. Teh'dri's own medical records were falsified so as not to make her the target of an investigation. The entire situation hit her hard and she was ordered to a place where she could better recover.

She was ultimately to the USS Shran, a move she did not mind in the slightest. Under the command of the Newton's XO at the time of her rescue, it felt like a homecoming. Caix soon recovered most of the way to her chipper self, relying on some of that Vulcan emotional repression she generally had ignored. She was promoted to Lieutenant Junior grade.

During her time on the Shran, she focused on honing her craft in the sciences. Her thoughts of career progression were shelved, instead simply doing the day to day. It wasn't as though there wasn't enough to worry about as is.

Her skill with recovering past knowledge from the seemingly inert symbiont improved, and she eventually was able to recall a decent amount of information from past eras if she put her mind to it. Ironically, practicing Vulcan meditation helped ease this process, one of the first time in her life where her mixed biology worked in her favor. As she finally began to come out of her shell, she decided it was time to stop hiding on the Shran. She loved the vessel but it could not remain her home forever.

Seeking new horizons and a better way to be of service, she transferred to the USS Howard Carter. Little did she know, the placement would last mere months.
Service Record 2254-2255: USS Newton, Acting Cadet
2255-2258: Starfleet Academy Cadet

2261-2262: USS Magellan, Mayflower-Class

2263- Late 2265: USS Shran, Newton-Class
Science Officer
2264: Promotion to Lieutenant JG

Late 2265- Early 2266: USS Howard Carter, Oberth-Class
Stellar Cartographer