Lieutenant Commander Ryan Knight
Name Ryan James Knight
Position Chief Helm Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 26 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 183cm | |
Weight | 88kg | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Character is portrayed by Canadian actor Ryan Kennedy |
Spouse | Callie Knight (nee Vali) | |
Father | Captain David Knight | |
Mother | Ambassador Amanda Knight (nee Blake) | |
Sister(s) | Doctor Samantha Knight |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Ryan is one to listen to his subordinates to find out what they need to accomplish the mission. He always makes sure to share the credit for success with his team. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | +Exceptional pilot +Strong athletic talent +Knowledgeable in starship strategy and tactics -Tends to be an overachiever Obsessive with determining what he did wrong when faced with failure, sometimes leading to him second guessing himself in future similar situations. |
Ambitions | Ryan aspires to his own command some day. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Fencing (foil and rapier), gymnastics, cross country running Cooking, classic literature and history Camping, backpacking, horse riding, mountaineering |
Personal History | Ryan James Knight was born August 30th, 2239 in San Diego, California on the North American continent of Earth. His father was a Starfleet officer and his mother a member of the Federation Diplomatic Corps. His childhood and adolescence was spent living on various planets, starbase and even a few starships as his parents worked different assignments. Ryan (RJ to his closest friends) developed an uncanny knack for picking up languages and could speak fluenty in Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran, Cardassian and Talarian by the time he enrolled in middle school. He liked sports and became quite adept at various athletic competitions (most notably track and field, gymnastics and fencing). His academic performance was considered above average all around, but his true affinity was in social studies and linguistics. Ryan's parents returned to Earth so he could have some stability for his last three years of high school. He joined a number of extracurricular activities including the debate team, theater and dramatic arts club, track and field team and the gymnastic squad. He even graduated on the honor roll (top 10% academic achievement list), though just barely. Ryan knew he wanted to join Starfleet at a young age. Starfleet Academy wa one of the toughest educational institutions with which to gain entry though. The pre-academy entrance exam proved to be tougher than he thought. Ryan failed his first attempt during his junior year in high school, thinking that his chances for admittance were over before it started. His parents encouraged him to work hard and try again during his senior year mid term break. He spent half a year redoubling his efforts and taking the entrance exam again. He sat throughout winter break wondering what the outcome was this time. He was just returning for his final semester of high school when the Starfleet Academy acceptance letter arrived. Ryan arrived at Starfleet Academy for the summer indoctrination and orientation classes shortly after graduating from high school. The 6-week training cycle focused mostly on physical fitness, drill and ceremony and basic Starfleet discipline and protocol. It was quite similar to enlisted basic training for the most part. Ryan's first two years at Starfleet Academy were spent learning the core officer development skills and general watchstanding protocols. He developed good relationships with his fellow cadets and the Academy faculty. He had the makings for a good security officer, but he discovered that few security officers ever make the cut for command track. Ryan declared his major at the start of his third year in flight control operations. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Astrophysics and full flight certifications in capital ship and small craft piloting. Ryan's first post Academy assignment was as third shift helmsman aboard the USS Concord (a Saladin-class destroyer) patrolling the Federation/Klingon border. His piloting skills were instrumental in a skirmish that occurred with an unidentified Klingon Bortas-class D-7 battlecruiser, saving the Concord from destruction by the more powerful vessel. His performance garnered him an early promotion to Lieutenant (j.g.) and watch officer for third shift. Ryan returned to Earth after two years aboard the Concord to become a flight instructor at Starfleet Academy. He took evening graduate studies in addition to his normal duties and obtained a Master's degree in Astrophysics after 18 months. His Department Head recommended him for additional leadership and development training and Ryan found his last six months of planetary duty at Starfleet Academy's Department Head School after his promotion to full Lieutenant. Ryan's return to space was not entirely as expected. He found himself sent to Arcadia Station to serve as the head of Shuttlecraft Support Operations pending the opening of a Chief Helmsman billet aboard a starship. He served for six months in the position until word that a starship pulling in to port at Arcadia was in need of a Chief Helmsman. Ryan was summoned to the Base Commander's office to meet his new Captain. Events took place at mind numbing speed after that. Assigned as Chief Helmsman, falling in love with the Ship's Counselor, a mission to rescue scientists (with his sister) on an archeological expedition, assuming the additional duties as Defiant's First Officer, and getting married. |
Service Record | Starfleet Academy (Jun 2257-Jun 2261): Flight operations track cadet USS Concord (Jul 2261-Jul 2263): Gamma Shift Helmsman and relief shuttlecraft pilot Starfleet Academy (Jul 2263-Jul 2265): Flight school instructor Arcadia Station (Jul 2265-Jan 2266): Head of Flight Operations USS Defiant (Jan 2266-Present): Chief Helmsman/First Officer |