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Wed Sep 6th, 2023 @ 5:27pm

Lieutenant JG Verelan

Name Verelan

Position Medical Officer

Second Position Counselor's Aide

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Vulcan, 1/2 Romulan
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 7”
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Verelan is an attractive young woman, she has the pointed ears of her Vulcan/Romulan heritage, and slight raised eyebrows as well.

Her eyes take on a short lived green hue when in contact with plant-life.


Spouse Savar
Father Soral (Vulcan)
Mother Ael (Romulan - Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Verelan is a bright, friendly young woman, unlike most Vulcans she hasn’t purged her emotions having chosen to keep hers as her mother would have wanted. She is the wife of Savar.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths;
- Skilled in use of the mind meld
- Touch telepath
- Loyal & dedicated Officer
- Kind & Caring

- Savar is her biggest weakness
- Knows little of her Romulan heritage
Ambitions Verelan wants nothing more than to be the wife her husband Savar deserves.
Hobbies & Interests Verelan enjoys reading, & anthropology. She also has an interest in Archaeology. She collects souvenirs of every place she’s been. She also likes to swim, and has been learning meditation from Savar.

Personal History Verelan (Graceful in Romulan) was born aboard her father’s ship, her mother Ael died in childbirth. She knows very little of her Romulan heritage, just what her father has chosen to tell her of her mother.

With her father being a Federation Ambassador Verelan spent her life aboard various Starships and Starbases, it seemed only logical she would join Starfleet.

Applying for Starfleet Academy, with her father as sponsor Verelan was thrilled to be accepted. In her four years at the Academy she excelled in all her studies.

Whilst there she met Savar, the moment they met she felt a connection to him, and fell head over heels in love. Little did she realise that they were betrothed to each other from an early age, as arranged by her father. They were married before their graduation from the Academy.

Upon graduation Verelan was assigned to a different destination to that of her husband, and that is how it stayed until she was finally assigned to the USS Defiant.

After an encounter with evolved living plant-life, Verelan’s cells adapted to an invading plant gene. She now has an affinity with plants, her eyes taking on a short lived minor green hue when in contact with plant life.
Service Record 2252-2256 - Starfleet Academy, Earth
2256-2258 - Starfleet Medical, Earth (Nurse)
2258-2260 - USS Churchill (Counsellor’s aide)
2260-2263 - USS Kirk ( Head Nurse/Medical Officer)
2263-2266 - USS Sovereign (Medical Officer)
2266 - USS Defiant