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Wed May 17th, 2023 @ 7:35pm

Lieutenant Alex Drake

Name Alex Drake

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 187 lbs
Hair Color Dirty Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Alex might not seem like much, but he's been around the block a few times, and thus has hidden muscle he doesn't outwardly show.


Spouse Alia Hanson
Children Carter Drake (3)
Father Dorian Drake
Mother Gretchen Williams

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alex's personality varies a lot, depending on what the current mission is. He's typically a fun-loving jokester who often like to pull pranks on people. But when it comes to his duties, he's a no-nonsense officer, and will go to no end to prove his ability and loyalty
Strengths & Weaknesses +Dedicated to Starfleet and the Federation
+Quite skilled at his job.
-Bit of a jokester and likes to prank people.
Ambitions While Alex would not one day turn down commanding a starship, what he really wants to do is lead Starfleet intelligence one day.

Personal History Born in 2238 in Virginia, much of Alex's early life is a mess of memories, some of which he isn't even sure are his own. Due to conflicts within his estranged extended family, he was constantly bounced around between relatives and constantly changing his name and identity throughout his childhood.

Finally, in 2249, shortly after his 11th birthday, he was finally reunited with his birth parents, and the shuffling stopped and he was able to be a child again.

In 2256, shortly before he joined Starfleet, his parents were ultimately killed by his extended family.

It wasn't until he was a year out from graduating from Starfleet Academy and saw information he shouldn't have that he found out the truth. His parents were Federation dissenters who wished to cause the allies of the Federation to become enemies, as they felt (like much of the Earth's Identity Movement) that the Federation took everything unique away from Earth and that Earth needed to break off with a vengeance.

The shuffling of families as a child was not the doing of his own family, but of Starfleet, to try and keep his safe and away from the ideals of the radical dissenters his parents had become. The only reason he had been returned to them was they had gone longer than a year with little to no known association with the Earth's Identity Movement.

The "extended family" that had killed his parents were actually members of Starfleet Intelligence, acting on intel that the two were going to be the masterminds behind a potential terroristic act on the Andorians.

Once Alex found out all this information, he immediately requested a departmental transfer to Intelligence, intending to use it as a way to figure out what--and why--his parents were actually doing.

However, he soon found he much rather enjoyed Intelligence work than Security work like he was going to do. To this end, though it extended his time at the academy (by a year) he chose to graduate as an intelligence Officer over a security officer as had been initial plans.

By the time he had graduated, Alex had picked up various bits and pieces of different languages (namely Vulcan and Andorian) that he sprinkles into his speech, but not enough to be fluent in any of them.
Service Record 2260-Graduated from Starfleet Academy, assigned to USS Luna (Titan-class NCC-1458) as an Intelligence officer

2263-Reassigned following Luna's grounding, return to Starfleet Academy for further leadership training. Required three attempts to pass Bridge Officer certification.

2264-Assigned to USS Berlin (NCC-1683) on patrol around Fedration space.

2266-Reassignment to USS Defiant (NCC-1764) as Chief Intelligence Officer.