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Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 11:49pm

Lieutenant Jackson Rutledge II

Name Jackson Rutledge II

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 225 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Very physically fit.
His black eyes can be piercing, making others uncomfortable at times.
His black hair is worn on the long side, but well within regs.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Morgan Rutledge, current Federation Ambassador to Vulcan
Mother Doctor Leslie Rutledge, chief of surgery at the Human compound on Vulcan.
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Jackson Rutledge, paternal grandfather. Deceased.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jackson Rutledge is an easy going individual, for someone who is so single mindedly set on getting his own command.
Strengths & Weaknesses S - Levelheaded, doesn't panic easily.
S - Intelligent.

W - Beautiful women.
Ambitions Jackson Rutledge's overall goal is one thing, a command in Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests Likes to read, mostly historical fiction.
Plays poker...and he plays to win.
Spends a lot of free time in the gym, exercising.
Mediates, daily.
Also plays chess.

Personal History Born on the planet Vulcan, in the Human compound.
His father is the current Ambassador to Vulcan, his mother a chief surgeon at the Human compound on Vulcan.

Growing up, he spent a lot of free time with the human children in the compound, but he enjoyed spending time with the Vulcan children who were his own age, or younger. He learned to mediate by being around the Vulcan children. He had many friends, but he hung around a Vulcan female named T'Mir. Her parents didn't like their daughter associating with the human child, but because of his father, they allowed it.

Jackson attended both the Human and Vulcan schools. While his grades in the Human school were excellent, his grades in the Vulcan school were below average, for a human child.

After finishing school, he applied to Starfleet Academy, and with the endorsements on his application, he was admitted.
Service Record The beginning of his time at the Academy was average at the beginning. He discovered that one of the male Vulcans he spent time with was at the Academy at the same time, so they spent most of their free time together, and even became roommates.

His grades improved dramatically, to the point that some of his instructors thought he was cheating, but after an investigating, it was decided that he wasn't cheating.

He joined a few clubs, the wresting club and the chess club. He excelled at both, leading the clubs to victories.

His grades every year were excellent, putting him near the top of his graduating class.

He took the Kobayashi Maru test, failed, but his actions during the test led the instructors to give him a passing grade.

Upon graduation, he selected an assignment to Earth Base 1, in orbit of Earth.